Consumers warned about cold calling scam impersonating ASIC and other government departments
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) – Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator – urges consumers to be wary of cold callers claiming to represent ASIC or other government departments.
These cold callers ask for your personal and financial details.
These calls are a scam, and ASIC has warned anyone who is contacted to hang up and not respond.
If you think you have been a victim of this scam or believe your account may have been compromised, you should contact your credit union, building society or bank immediately.
If you receive a phone call or email out of the blue requesting your personal or banking information, hang up, forward the email on to your adviser and block the sender.
Never send money or give your financial details to someone you don’t trust or know.
If the caller or sender claims to be from a government agency or financial institution, remember that government departments and financial institutions would never ask you for your personal details via unsolicited calls, email or text message.
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